17.Recovery — Ethernaut

Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2022


To understand how contract addresses are calculated to be deployed


Problem details: Recovery


Our goal in this challenge is to recover or remove the ether from the lost contract address. We have something to consider:

  • The SimepleToken contract is deployed from Recovery contract, so the addresses of SimepleToken instances could be calculated because of the deterministic property in EVM. The contract address to be deployed is calculated by keccak256(rlp_encode(account, nonce)) where account is the address that will deploy, nonce is the nonce of that address.
  • The lost contract address is the first token contract, so the nonce is 1 for that transaction
  • There is a function destroy(address payable _to) that can be used to transfer ether from the contract instance because that function use selfdestruct

So, the solution for this challenge is straightforward that : calculate the lost contract address and then execute functiondestroy(address payable _to) on that contract address

Here is my script calculating the lost contract address with my level instance address 0x845a30000e5e891950EFe68E777b8269E40a14dB. I got my result : 0x762af2fdc341d577bfc546a569c4c457b2d5be35

const ethers = require("ethers");const addr = "0x845a30000e5e891950EFe68E777b8269E40a14dB";const nonce = "0x01";const rlpEncoded = ethers.utils.RLP.encode([addr, nonce]);const contractAddress = ethers.utils.keccak256(rlpEncoded);console.log(`0x${contractAddress.slice(26)}`);

Let’s execute function destroy(address payable _to) on that address without using fully ABI of SimpleToken

  1. Encode function data
const iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(["function destroy(address payable _to) public",]);console.log(iface.encodeFunctionData("destroy", ["0x7e31BBf761C360cDf9887133E650c4f5989b4A16", // my public key]));

2. Using Ethernaut console to execute function by this

3. Send transaction and then get the ether recovered

Submit level instance and the challenge completed!

